**Disclaimer: Please do the following at your own risk, I will not be held responsible for any data that may get lost. This is information from my experiences that I am sharing with you, either take it or leave it, and I am not responsible for anything that happens.**
Now after this lengthy and wordy disclaimer is out of the way, I received several inquiries on how to reset ZAAPTV to your factory settings, I don't remember if the user manual that came with the device covered that or not but here is what I have done and it worked. This usually solves a lot of problems associated with the device not acting up correctly.
Press your "Home" button.
At the main menu, select "Settings", then select "Factory Defaults". From here you have 2 options either a "Soft Restore", which reset's your settings and does not delete your favorites, bookmarks..etc. and there is the "Full Restore" which technically should return the device to the same condition it was bought and that will delete all your favorites, bookmarks..etc.
That should hopefully fix your problems.
Using either restore option will erase your network information and you have to set it up again.
I recommend if you have a USB disk to eject it first, by going to the the same "Settings" screen described previously and selecting "Eject USB Disk".
Different devices may have different menus, so look around and you will find it.
Let me know if this info helps or not, and so others may learn from our experiences.