Monday, August 6, 2012

ZAAPTV's categorizing projeect ....Myth or Reality

For a while now we all have seen the different categories ZAAPTV have under Arabic channels. All channels, News, Cartoons, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen...etc.

It was a nice touch from ZAAPTV to be able to categorize these channels like that, they started off well but they just lost the wind or the will to continue with it. Maybe has to do with the number of channels they keep on changing. Or someone who is supposed to categorize these channels immediately after they are activated is not doing so.

Anyways whatever the reason is, we would like to see the continuation of this endeavor.

If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions please let us know. Maybe someone form ZAAPTV will come by, read your suggestion and implement it ;)

Happy Zaapin'



  1. Salam Masrawy and Eid Saeed to everyone
    I'm interested to buy zaaptv for myself and for relatives as gifts. However, they are really interested in Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya News, and Egyptian channels. They would rather pay more money monthly and get less channels, than to lose these channels! Can you tell me if ZAAPTV provides these important channels? If not then it would just be pointless for my relatives. Other than that, I personally can't wait to buy one for myself :-) Thanks for your reply

    1. Dena,

      Sorry for the delay. Eid Saeed to you and everyone. What Egyptian channels are you looking for specifically?

      We get all Nile channel's, All Rotana and Rotana Masriyah, Dream 1,2, Moga Comedy, Panorama, Al-Nahar, Al-Nahar Mosalsalat, CBC, CBC Drama, Al-Haya, Al-Haya Mosalsalat and a few others.

      Inshallah you will have enough Egyptian channels to watch and keep them entertained.

      I also do get Al-Jazeera with no problem. I am not sure about Al-Arabiya, but I will check and get back with you asap.

      Inshallah you will not regret it.


  2. Salam Masrawy
    I hope you are well. If you can please let me know any of these details it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  3. hey Salam Masrawy and thanks for your reply!
    That sounds awesome. They currently use dish and don't even get a fraction of those channels. Al-Jazeera is top priority and hopefully inshaAllah there is Al-Arabiya too. You know what, i think i'm going to take the plunge inshaAllah and get it for them. I doubt they'll regret it either :-) I noticed a lot of people complain about losing connection, but the solutions are pretty simple. Actually internet sometimes doesn't work and I need to fix the router. Also the same with satellite if there's been a storm. Tech stuff always tend to need a tune-up here and there with any service you use, and i wouldn't assume that ZAAPTV is a magic box that would never need a reset. I think one way ZAAPTV can help people out is to set up some type of tech support. From what i've noticed from forums, everyone who's had a problem feels cheated because they can't find anyone to help them. Especially for older people who aren't very tech savvy it could get extremely frustrating and then the bad reviews pop up. It's great that you took it upon yourself to help people! ZAAPTV should have that service though, not another customer such as yourself. In any case, thanks to you, we've gotten a fair and honest review of the product and to me it seems like a no-brainer! ZAAPTV sounds like a really good deal! InshaAllah in the future they set up tech support for customers, and it shouldn't matter where the product was bought from. If i buy a blender at macy's and not from CuisinArt website, i shouldn't have to deal with macy's if something breaks. I have a UPC code on the box and i can call CuisinArt directly and they are required to help me. Macy's just sells blenders, it's not in the business of knowing how each part works. Same with virtually any other product or any other vendor. And ZAAPTV should be no different. I would say all the people complaining now would be totally IN LOVE with ZAAPTV and recommend it to all friends and family if they just had tech problems resolved. Everyone seems to be in agreement that it's a good deal, and that it comes with an abundance of channels. I would say this ZAAPTV sales would increase exponentially if they put a bit of effort in this area, because people refer each other. Especially Arabs lol :-p In general though, mashaAllah sounds like a great product and can't wait to try it out!

  4. Salam Dena,

    I just confirmed Al-Arabiya is available too.

    You are absolutely correct about those issues you brought up. Just like any other device, if you set it up correctly, make sure your connection is adequate then everything should be fine and it will work fine.

    Granted every now and then some POD's are shipped defective, or get broken, but if you contact your reseller they should be able to help you to replace or fix it if under warranty.

    As for ZAAPTV's tech support, I agree with you they need to work hard to improve it, but I have not had any major problems with them. Whenever I sent them an email, an auto response will reply saying they received my question and they will look into it. Of course I don't expect them to answer me right away, but they do eventually within 24 hours. They do need to get tech support here in the US, if they do I imagine their sales will soar.

    I did notice though that they don't monitor the channels being broadcast. Specially during weekends. Several times during a weekend channels will just not work. I imagine the server just crashed and needed rebooting or something of that sort. It's usually fixed by 3 am EST on a Monday, which is usually when they start to work on it, eventually it get's fixed.

    Some other times channels will be down for a few day's and they will not notice until they discover it by accident or a customer emails them about it. They eventually get fixed though. QoS begs for improvement, and there are a few ways to aid them monitor these channels easily.

    Go for it Dena and inshallah you will get to enjoy it and so will your relatives.

    Just a few things to watch for:

    1- Connection speed, there is a Speed Monitor on the POD and will measure your internet speed.
    2- Signal strength, try to optimize the location of the POD.
    3- Go through the channels you/they like and add them to your favorites.
    4- I have mine set up using static ip address's I have not tried using DHCP which is available, but that will make it create a more reliable connection with your router.
    5- If for some any reason it get unresponsive, turn it off from behind and wait for a couple of minutes and restart again.
    6- Turn it off at night from the remote and not from behind.
    7- Enjoy…

    When you get it tell us of your experience.


  5. Salam Masrawy basha,

    I wonder why Dubai tv channel keeps on having random flickering all the way. Is it a common issue that everybody has, or is it just me. All other channels work like a charm. I do believe it is from the source it self.

    Thanks a lot

    1. Salam Anon,

      The channel works fine on my end, so it's probably your end.

      Let me know if I can be of any further help.

